Language Specification
Evy is a statically typed, garbage collected, procedural programming language. Its main design goal is to help learn programming. Evy aims for simplicity and directness in its tooling and syntax. Several features typical of modern programming languages are purposefully left out.
To get an intuitive understanding of Evy, you can either look at its syntax by example or read through the built-ins documentation.
#Syntax Grammar
The Evy syntax grammar is a WSN grammar, which is a formal set of rules that define how Evy programs are written. The Evy interpreter uses the syntax grammar to parse Evy source code, which means that it checks that the code follows the rules of the grammar.
#WSN Syntax Grammar
Evy's syntax is specified using a WSN grammar, a variant of EBNF grammars, borrowing concepts from the Go Programming Language Specification.
Productions are the top-level elements of a WSN grammar. For example, the
OPERATOR = "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" .
specifies that an operator can be one of the characters +
, -
, or /
A production consists of an expression assigned to an
identifier or production name. Each production is terminated by a period
. An expression consists of terms and the following
operators in increasing precedence:
stands for "or". For example,a | b
stands fora
. -
stands for grouping. For example,(a|b)c
stands forac
. -
stands for optionality. For example,[a]b
stands forab
. -
stands for repetition. For example,{a}
stands for the empty string,a
, ...".
a … b
stands for a range of single characters from a
, inclusive.
Here is a WSN defining itself:
syntax = { production } .
production = identifier "=" expression "." .
expression = terms { "|" terms } .
terms = term { term } .
term = identifier |
literal |
"[" expression "]" |
"(" expression ")" |
"{" expression "}" .
identifier = LETTER { LETTER } .
literal = """ CHARACTER { CHARACTER } """ . /* """" is a literal `"` */
LETTER = "a" … "z" | "A" … "Z" | "_" .
CHARACTER = /* an arbitrary Unicode code point */ .
Terminals are the leaves in the grammar that cannot be expanded further. By convention, terminals are identified by production names in uppercase.
Non-terminals, on the other hand, can be expanded into other productions. This means that they can be replaced by a more complex expression. By convention, non-terminals are identified by production names in lowercase.
Literals or lexical tokens are enclosed in double quotes
. Comments are fenced by /*
… */
There are two special fencing tokens in Evy's grammar related to
horizontal whitespace, <-
… ->
… +>
. <-
… ->
means no
horizontal whitespace is allowed between the terminals of the enclosed expression, e.g.
inside <-
… ->
is allowed, but
3 + 5
is not. The fencing tokens <+
… +>
the default and mean horizontal whitespace is allowed (again) between terminals.
See the section on whitespace for further details.
#Evy Syntax Grammar
Evy source code is UTF-8 encoded, which means that it can contain any Unicode character.
The NUL character U+0000
is not allowed, as it is a special character that is
used during compilation.
The WS
abbreviation in the grammar comments below refers to horizontal
whitespace, which is any combination of spaces and tabs. The following listing contains
the complete syntax grammar for Evy.
program = { statement | func | event_handler | nl } eof .
statements = { nl } statement { statement | nl } .
statement = typed_decl_stmt | inferred_decl_stmt |
assign_stmt |
func_call_stmt |
return_stmt | break_stmt |
if_stmt | while_stmt | for_stmt .
/* --- Functions and Event handlers ---- */
func = "func" ident func_signature nl
"end" nl .
func_signature = [ ":" type ] params .
params = { typed_decl } | variadic_param .
variadic_param = typed_decl "..." .
event_handler = "on" ident params nl
"end" nl .
/* --- Control flow --- */
if_stmt = "if" toplevel_expr nl
{ "else" "if" toplevel_expr nl
statements }
[ "else" nl
statements ]
"end" nl .
while_stmt = "while" toplevel_expr nl
"end" nl .
for_stmt = "for" range nl
"end" nl .
range = [ ident ":=" ] "range" range_args .
range_args = <- expr -> [ <- expr -> [ <- expr -> ] ] .
return_stmt = "return" [ toplevel_expr ] nl .
break_stmt = "break" nl .
/* --- Statement ---- */
assign_stmt = target "=" toplevel_expr nl .
typed_decl_stmt = typed_decl nl .
inferred_decl_stmt = ident ":=" toplevel_expr nl .
func_call_stmt = func_call nl .
/* --- Assignment --- */
target = <- ident | index_expr | dot_expr -> . /* no WS before `[` and around `.` */
index_expr = target "[" <+ toplevel_expr +> "]" .
dot_expr = target "." ident .
/* --- Type --- */
typed_decl = ident ":" type .
type = BASIC_TYPE | DYNAMIC_TYPE | composite_type .
BASIC_TYPE = "num" | "string" | "bool" .
DYNAMIC_TYPE = "any" .
composite_type = array_type | map_type .
array_type = "[" "]" type .
map_type = "{" "}" type .
/* --- Expressions --- */
toplevel_expr = func_call | expr .
func_call = ident args .
args = { tight_expr } . /* no WS within single arg, WS is arg separator */
tight_expr = <- expr -> . /* no WS allowed unless within `(…)`, `[…]`, or `{…}` */
expr = operand | unary_expr | binary_expr .
operand = literal | target | slice | type_assertion | group_expr .
group_expr = "(" <+ toplevel_expr +> ")" . /* WS can be used freely within `(…)` */
type_assertion = <- target ".(" -> type ")" . /* no WS around `.` */
unary_expr = <- UNARY_OP -> expr . /* no WS after UNARY_OP */
UNARY_OP = "-" | "!" .
binary_expr = expr binary_op expr .
LOGICAL_OP = "or" | "and" .
COMPARISON_OP = "==" | "!=" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" .
ADD_OP = "+" | "-" .
MUL_OP = "*" | "/" | "%" .
/* --- Slice and Literals --- */
slice = <- target "[" slice_expr "]" -> .
slice_expr = <+ [expr] ":" [expr] +> .
literal = num_lit | string_lit | BOOL_CONST | array_lit | map_lit .
string_lit = """ { UNICODE_CHAR } """ .
BOOL_CONST = "true" | "false" .
array_lit = "[" <+ array_elems +> "]" . /* WS can be used freely within `[…]`, but not inside the elements */
array_elems = { tight_expr [nl] } .
map_lit = "{" <+ map_elems +> "}" . /* WS can be used freely within `{…}`, but not inside the values */
map_elems = { ident ":" tight_expr [nl] } .
nl = [ comment ] NL .
eof = [ comment ] EOF .
comment = "//" { UNICODE_CHAR } .
/* --- Terminals --- */
UNICODE_LETTER = /* a Unicode code point categorized as "Letter" (category L) */ .
UNICODE_DIGIT = /* a Unicode code point categorized as "Number, decimal digit" */ .
UNICODE_CHAR = /* an arbitrary Unicode code point except newline */ .
DECIMAL_DIGIT = "0" … "9" .
NL = "\n" . /* end of file */
EOF = "" . /* end of file */
There is only one type of comment, the line comment which starts with //
stops at the end of the line. Line comments cannot start inside string literals.
Evy has a static type system where the types of variables, parameters and expressions are known at parse time. This means that the parser can check for type errors before the program is run.
There are three basic types: num
, string
as well as two composite types: arrays
and maps {}
. The dynamic type
can hold any of the previously listed types.
Composite types can nest further composite types, for example []{}string
an array of maps with string values.
A bool
value is either true
or false
A number value can be expressed as integer 1234
or decimal
. Internally a number is represented as a
double-precision floating-point number
according to the IEEE-754 64-bit floating point standard.
#Variables and Declarations
Variables hold values of a specific type. They must be declared before they can be used. A declared variable must be used at least once, meaning it must be used in the right hand side of an assignment or passed as an argument to a function call. There are two types of variable declarations: inferred declarations and typed declarations.
Inferred declarations do not specify the type of the variable explicitly.
The type of the variable is inferred from the value that it is initialized to. For
example, the following code declares a variable n
and initializes it to the
value 1
. The type of n
is inferred to be num
n := 1
Typed declarations explicitly specify the type of the variable. The
variable is initialized to the type's zero value. For example, the following code declares
a variable s
of type string
and initializes it to the empty
string ""
arr := []
infers an array of type any, []any
map := {}
infers a map of type any, {}any
. The strictest
possible type is inferred for composite types:
arr1 := [1 2 3] // []num
arr2 := [1] + [] // []num
print 1 (typeof arr1) (typeof arr2)
arr3 := [1 "a"] // []any
arr4 := [[1] ["a"]] // [][]any
arr5 := [] // []any
print 2 (typeof arr3) (typeof arr4) (typeof arr5)
map1 := {} // {}any
map2 := {age:10} // {}num
print 3 (typeof map1) (typeof map2)
The typeof
function returns the type as string
representation, so the code above outputs:
1 []num []num
2 []any [][]any []any
3 {}any {}num
#Zero Values
Variables declared via typed declaration are initialized to the zero value of their type:
- Number:
- String:
- Boolean:
- Any:
- Array:
- Map:
The empty array becomes []any
in inferred declarations. Otherwise the empty
array literal assumes the array type []TYPE
required by the assigned variable
or parameter. For example, the following code
print 1 arr (typeof arr)
arr = []
print 2 arr (typeof arr)
print 3 (typeof [])
generates the output
1 [] []num
2 [] []num
3 []any
Similarly, the empty map literal becomes {}any
in inferred declarations.
Otherwise the empty map literal assumes the map type {}TYPE
Assignments are defined by an equal sign =
. The left-hand side of the
must contain an assignment target, a variable, an indexed
array, or a map field. The assignment target must be declared before the assignment,
either implicitly via type inference or explicitly via a type declaration. It can also be
a parameter of a function or event handler definition.
Assignability provides rules on which value types can be
assigned to which target types.
For example, the following code declares a string variable named s
initializes it to the value "a"
through inference. Then, it assigns
the value "b"
to s
. Finally, it tries to assign the
value 100
to s
, which will cause a parse error because
is a string variable and 100
is a number.
s := "a"
print 1 s
s = "b"
print 2 s
// s = 100 // parse error, wrong type
1 a
2 b
#Copy and Reference
When a variable of a basic type num
, string
, or
is the value of an assignment, a copy of its value is
made. A copy is also made when a variable of a basic type is used as the value in an
inferred declaration or passed as an argument to a function.
a := 1
b := a
print a b
a = 2 // `b` keeps its initial value
print a b
generates the output
1 1
2 1
By contrast, composite types - maps and arrays - are passed by reference and no copy is made. Modifying the contents of an array referenced by one variable also modifies the contents of the array referenced by another variable. This is also true for argument passing and inferred declarations:
a := [1]
b := a
print a b
a[0] = 2 // the value of `b` is also updated
print a b
generates the output
[1] [1]
[2] [2]
For the dynamic type any
, a copy is made if the value is a basic type. The
variable is passed by reference if the value is a composite type.
#Variable Names
Variable names in Evy must start with a letter or underscore, and can contain any
combination of letters, numbers, and underscores. They cannot be the same as keywords,
such as if
, func
, or any built-in or defined function names.
Scope refers to the visibility of a variable or function.
Functions can only be defined at the top level of the program, known as
global scope. A function does not have to be defined before it can be
called; it can also be defined afterwards. This allows for
mutual recursion, where
function a
calls function b
and function b
function a
Variables, by contrast, must be declared and given an unchangeable type before they can be used. Variables can be declared at the top level of the program, at global scope, or within a block-statement, at block scope.
A block-statement is a block of statements that ends with the keyword
. A function's parameter declaration and the function body following the
line starting with func
is a block-statement. The statements between
and else
are a block. The statements between
and end
are a block.
Blocks can be nested within other blocks.
A variable declared inside a block only exists until the end of the block. It cannot be used outside the block.
Variable names in an inner block can shadow or override the same variable name from an outer block, which makes the variable of the outer block inaccessible to the inner block. However, when the inner block is finished, the variable from the outer block is restored and unchanged:
x := "outer"
print 1 x
for range 1
x := true
print 2 x
print 3 x
This program will print
1 outer
2 true
3 outer
A string is a sequence of Unicode code points. Unicode is a standard that defines a unique code point for every character in every language. This means that a string can contain characters from any language, including English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
A string literal is a sequence of characters enclosed by double quotes. The characters in a string literal are interpreted as Unicode code points. This means that a string literal can contain any character that has a Unicode code point, including letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and emojis.
The example code str := "Hallöchen Welt 👋🌍"
defines a string
variable str
and initializes it with a string literal that contains the
German words "Hallöchen Welt" and the emojis "👋🌍".
The len str
function returns the number of Unicode code points, or
characters, in the string. The loop
for ch := range str
iterates over all characters of the string. Individual
characters of a string can be read by index, starting at 0
. Strings can be
concatenated with the +
The backslash character \
can be used to represent special characters in
strings. For example, the \t
escape sequence represents a tab character, and
the \n
escape sequence represents a newline character. Quotes in string
literals must also be escaped with backslashes. To print a backslash character, use
For example the following code
str := "hello"
str = str + ", " + str // hello, hello
str = "H" + str[1:] // Hello, hello
str = "She said, \"" + str + "!\""
print str
She said, "Hello, hello!"
Arrays are collections of elements that have the same type. They are
declared with brackets []
, and the elements are separated by a space. For
example, the following code declares two arrays of numbers
arr1 := [1 2 3]
print arr1 arr2
The output is
[1 2 3] []
Arrays can also be nested, meaning that they can contain other arrays or maps. For
example, the following code declares an array of maps of strings
An array composed of different types becomes an array of type any, []any
, for
arr := ["abc" 123] // []any
print "Type of arr:" (typeof arr)
Type of arr: []any
The function len arr
returns the length of the array, which is the number of
elements in the array. The loop for el := range arr
iterates over all
elements of the array in order.
Arrays can be concatenated with the +
operator, for example
arr2 := arr + arr
. Only arrays of the same type can be concatenated. If you
try to concatenate two literals of different types such as
arr := [1 2] + ["a" "b"]
, you will get a parse error. Use
arr := [1 2 "a" "b"]
Arrays can be repeated with the *
operator, for example
[0] * 5
results in [0 0 0 0 0]
["hello" "world"] * 2
results in
["hello" "world" "hello" "world"]
. An
array repeated zero times results in an empty array of the same type as the array. The
number on the right hand side of the *
operator must be an non-negative
integer value. Using a non-integer or negative value will result in an error.
The elements of an array can be accessed via index starting at 0
. In the
example arr := ["abc" 123]
the first element in the array
is "abc"
The empty array becomes []any
in inferred declarations, otherwise the empty
array literal assumes the array type required by the assigned variable or parameter.
and arr := []
are equivalent.
In order to distinguish between array literals and array indices, there cannot be any whitespace between array variable and index. For example, the following code
arr := ["a" "b"]
print 1 arr[1] // index
print 2 arr [1] // literal
arr[0] = "A"
print 3 arr
// arr [1] = "B" // whitespace before `[` is invalid
1 b
2 [a b] [1]
3 [A b]
Maps are key-value stores, where the values can be looked up by their
key, for example map := { key1:"value1" key2:"value2" }
Map values can be accessed with the dot expression, for example map.key1
. If
maps are accessed via the dot expression the key must match the grammars
production. Map keys in dot expression and map literals may be Evy
keywords. Map values can also be accessed with an index expression which allows for
evaluation, non-ident keys and variable usage.
For example the following code
m := {letters:"abc" for:"u"}
print 1 m.letters m.for
print 2 m["letters"] m["for"]
key := "German letters"
m[key] = "äöü"
print 3 m[key]
print 4 m["German letters"]
1 abc u
2 abc u
3 äöü
4 äöü
The has
function tests for the existence of a key in a map. The following
m := {letters:"abc"}
print 1 (has m "letters")
print 2 (has m "digits")
1 true
2 false
The del
function deletes a key from a map if it exists and does nothing if
the key does not exist. The following code
m := {letters:"abc"}
del m "letters"
print m
The loop for key := range map
iterates over all map keys. It is safe to
delete values from the map with the built-in function del
while iterating.
The keys are iterated in the order in which they are inserted. Any values inserted into
the map during the iteration will not be included in the iteration.
The function len m
returns the number of key-value pairs in the map.
The empty map literal becomes {}any
in inferred declarations, otherwise the
empty map literal assumes the type required by the map type of the assigned variable or
parameter. m:{}any
and m := {}
are equivalent.
No whitespace is allowed around the dot expression .
, and before the index
expression [
#Index and Slice
An array or string index in Evy is a number that is used to access a
specific element of an array or character of a string. Array indices start at
, so the first element of an array is arr[0]
. A negative index
is a shorthand for (len arr) - i
, so
refers to the last element of arr.
For example, the following code
arr := ["a" "b" "c"]
print 1 arr[0]
print 2 arr[-1]
will print the first and last elements of the array
1 a
2 c
A slice is a way to access portions of an array or a string. It is a
substring or subarray that is copied from the original array or string. The slice
expression arr[start:end]
copies a substring or subarray starting with the
value at index arr[start]
. The length of the slice is end-start
The end index arr[end]
is not included in the slice. If start
left out, it defaults to 0
. If end
is left out, it defaults to
len arr
As with an index, the start
or end
value of a
slice expression may be a negative -i
as a shorthand for the normalized value
(len arr) - i
. After start
and end
are normalized,
their values in the expression arr[start:end]
must satisfy
0 <= start <= end <= (len arr)
For example, the following code
s := "abcd"
print 1 s[1:3]
print 2 s[:2]
print 3 s[2:]
print 4 s[:]
print 5 s[:-1]
1 bc
2 ab
3 cd
4 abcd
5 abc
If you try to access an element of an array or string that is out of bounds, a
runtime panic will occur. Slice
expressions must not be preceded by whitespace before the [
character, just
like indexing an array or string. For more details, see the section on
#Operators and Expressions
Operators are special symbols or identifiers that combine the values of their operands into a single value. Operands are the variables or literal values that the operator acts on. The combination of operands and operators is called expression. An expression is a combination of literal values, operators, variables, and further nested expressions that evaluates to a single value.
In Evy, there are two types of operators: unary operators and binary operators:
Unary operators act on a single operand. For example, the unary
negates the value of its operand. -
Binary operators act on two operands. For example, the binary operator
adds the two operands together.
Operators can be combined to form larger expressions, for example, the expression
-delta + 3
would first negate the value of the variable
and then add literal number 3
to the result.
Binary expressions can only be evaluated if the operands are of the same type. For example, you cannot add a string to a number. There is no automated type conversion of operands.
There are a variety of binary operators: arithmetic, concatenation, logical, and comparison operators.
Operator | Operands | Result | Description |
+ - * / % |
num |
num |
arithmetic |
+ |
string |
string |
concatenation |
+ |
array | array | concatenation |
* |
array * num |
array | repetition |
and or |
bool |
bool |
logical |
< <= > >= |
num |
bool |
comparison |
< <= > >= |
string |
bool |
comparison |
== != |
all types | bool |
comparison |
#Arithmetic, Concatenation and Repetition Operators
The arithmetic operators +
, -
, *
, and %
stand for addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division, and the
modulo operator. The symbol
can also be used to concatenate strings and arrays. The
symbol can be used to repeat an array a number of times.
The modulo operator %
, also known as the remainder operator,
returns the remainder of a division operation. For example, 10 % 3
results in
, because 10
divided by 3
has a remainder of
The concatenation operator +
, combines two strings or two
arrays together. For example, "fire"
combines into the string
The repetition operator *
, repeats an array a number of
times. The number must be a non-negative integer value. An array repeated zero times is an
empty array. A deep copy is performed on the array elements before each repetition.
#Logical Operators
The logical operators and
and or
are used to
logical conjunction
logical disjunction. They are used to perform logical operations on boolean values with type
The and
operator evaluates to true
if both operands are
. The or
operator evaluates to true
if either
operand is true
These operators perform short-circuit evaluation, which means that the right-hand side of the operator is not evaluated if the result of the operation can be determined from the left-hand side alone.
For example, the expression false and true
evaluates to
because the first operand is false
. The second operand
does not need to be evaluated because the result of the expression is already known to be
#Comparison Operators
The comparison operators <
stand for less, less or equal, greater, greater or
equal. Their operands may be num
or string
values. For
lexicographical comparison
is used.
The comparison operators ==
and !=
compare two
operands of the same type for equality and inequality. The operands of these operators can
be basic types, such as numbers and strings, or composite types, such as arrays and maps.
The result of a comparison operation is the boolean value true
#Unary Operators
Unary operators are operators that operate on a single operand. In Evy,
there are two unary operators: -
and !
The unary operator
negates the value of a numeric operand. For example,-delta
negates the value ofdelta
. -
The unary operator
performs logical negation on a boolean operand. For example,!true
evaluates tofalse
Unary operators must not be immediately followed by whitespace. For example, the
is valid, but - delta
is not.
The following sample illustrates the care needed with operators and whitespace
a := 10
b := 3
print 1 a-b
print 2 (a - b)
print 3 a -b
// print a - b // parse error
1 7
2 7
3 10 -3
For more information about whitespace, see the whitespace section.
Operators in Evy are evaluated in a specific order, called precedence. The order of precedence is as follows:
Indexing, dot notation and grouped expressions:
- Unary operators:
Binary operators
Multiplication, division, and modulo:
- Addition and subtraction:
Comparison operators:
- Equality operators:
- Logical conjunction:
- Logical disjunction:
Multiplication, division, and modulo:
Operators of the same precedence are evaluated from left to right. For example, the
expression a[i] - 5 * 2
will be evaluated as follows:
- The index
will be evaluated first. - The multiplication
5 * 2
will be evaluated next. - The subtraction
- 5 * 2
will be evaluated last.
If you want to change the order of precedence, you can use parentheses to group
expressions. For example, the expression (a[i] - 5) * 2
will be evaluated as
- The expression
a[i] - 5
will be evaluated first. - The multiplication
* 2
will be evaluated next.
A statement is a unit of code that performs an action. Statements are the building blocks of programs, and they can be used to control the flow of execution.
Statements can be divided into two categories: block statements and basic statements.
- Basic statements are statements that cannot be broken down into further statements.
- Block statements are statements that contain further statements.
There are 5 types of block statements in Evy:
- Function definition
- Event Handler definitions
- If statements
- For statements
- While statements
There are 5 types of basic statements in Evy:
- Variable declaration statement
- Assignment statement
- Function call statement
- Return statement
- Break statement
Not all statements are allowed in all contexts. For example, a return statement may only be used within a function definition.
Whitespace in Evy is used to separate different parts of a program. There are two types of whitespace in Evy: vertical whitespace and horizontal whitespace.
#Vertical Whitespace
Vertical whitespace is a sequence of one or more newline characters that can optionally contain comments. It is used to terminate or end basic statements in Evy. A basic statement is a statement that cannot be broken up into smaller statements, such as a variable declaration, an assignment or a function call.
Evy does not allow multiple statements on a single line. For example, the following code is invalid because it contains two statements, a declaration and a function call, on one line:
x := 1 print x
It is also not possible to break up a single basic statement over more than one line. For
example, the following code is invalid because the arithmetic expression
1 + 2
is split over two lines:
x := 1 +
The rule that basic statements cannot be split across multiple lines has one exception: Array literals and map literals can be broken up over multiple lines, as long as each line is a complete expression. For example, the following code is valid because it is a declaration with a multiline map literal:
person := {
name:"Jane Goddall"
print person
#Horizontal Whitespace
Horizontal whitespace is a sequence of tabs or spaces that is used to separate elements in lists. Lists include the argument list to a function call, the element list of an array literal, and the value in the key-value pairs of a map literal. However, horizontal whitespace is not allowed within this list elements.
Horizontal whitespace is not allowed around the dot expression .
or before
the opening brace [
in an index expression or slice expression. However, it
is allowed within the grouping expression, index expression, and slice
expression, even if the expression is an element of a list such as an argument to a
function call.
Assignments, inferred variable declarations, return statements and the the expression
inside an index expression [ … ]
can have whitespace around their
binary operators. The whitespace around the operators is optional, but it is often used to
improve the readability of the code, for example:
x := 5 + 3
x = 7 - 2
arr := [1 2 3]
arr[3 - 2] = 10
func fn:num
return 7 + 1
print x arr (fn)
More formally, horizontal whitespace WS
between tokens or terminals as
defined in the grammar is ignored and can be used freely with the addition of the
following rules:
is not allowed around dot.
in dot expressions.-
is not allowed before the[
in index or slice expressions. -
is not allowed following the unary operators-
. WS
is not allowed within arguments to a function callWS
is not allowed within elements of an array literal-
is not allowed within the values of a map literal's key-value pairs. -
is allowed within any grouping expression(
. -
is allowed within an index expression[
. -
is allowed within a slice expression[
Here are some examples of incorrect uses of horizontal whitespace, along with their correct uses.
print - 5
len "a" + "b"
arr := [1 + 1]
arr [0] = 3 + 2
print 2 + arr [0]
map := {address: "10 Downing " + "Street"}
map. address = "221B Baker Street"
print len map
print -5
len "a"+"b"
arr := [1+1]
arr[0] = 3 + 2
print 2+arr[0]
map := {address:"10 Downing "+"Street"}
map.address = "221B Baker Street"
print (len map)
Functions are blocks of code that are used to perform a specific task. They are often used to encapsulate code that is used repeatedly, so that it can be called from different parts of a program.
A function definition binds an identifier, the function name, to a function. As part of the function definition, the function signature declares the number, order and types of input parameters as well as the result or return type of the function. If the return type is left out, the function does not return a value.
For example, the following code defines a function called validate
that takes
two parameters, s
and maxl
, and returns a boolean result. The
parameter is of type string
and the
parameter is of type num
. The return type of the function
is bool
func validate:bool s:string maxl:num
return (len s) <= maxl
#Bare Returns
Bare returns are return statements without values. They can be used in
functions without result type. For example, the following code defines a function called
that takes a string array as an argument and does not return a value.
The return statement in the if statement simply exits the function early.
func reverse arr:[]string
if arr == []
// ...
Function calls used as arguments to other function calls must be parenthesized to avoid ambiguity, for example:
print "length of abc:" (len "abc")
length of abc: 3
Function names must be unique within an Evy program. This means that no two functions can have the same name. Function names also cannot be the same as a variable name.
#Function Names
Function names in Evy must start with a letter or underscore, and can contain any
combination of letters, numbers, and underscores. They cannot be the same as keywords,
such as if
, func
, or any built-in or other defined function
#Anonymous Parameters
The anonymous parameter _
is a special parameter in Evy that can be used as a
placeholder for a named parameter. It can be used for multiple parameters in a single
function, but it cannot be read. For example, the following code defines an event handler
for the pointer down event that only uses the y
on down _:num y:num
print "y:" (round y)
#Variadic Functions
Variadic functions in Evy are functions that can take zero or more arguments of a specific type. The type of the variadic parameter is an array with the element type of the parameter. The length of the array is the number of arguments passed to the function.
For example, the following code defines a variadic function called quote
can take any number of arguments of any type
func quote args:any...
for arg := range args
word := sprintf "«%v»" arg
words = words + [word]
print (join words " ")
quote "Life, universe and everything?" 42
«Life, universe and everything?» «42»
Unlike other languages, arrays cannot be turned into variadic arguments in Evy. The call arguments must be listed individually.
#Break and Return
and return
are terminating statements in
Evy. They interrupt the regular flow of control.
is used to exit from the innermost loop body. This means that it will skip the rest of the loop body and continue with the next statement after the loop. -
is used to exit from a function. It can be followed by an expression whose value is returned by the function call.
For example, the following code shows how the break
statement can be used to
exit from a loop:
for x := range 2
y := 0
while y < 10
if y == 2
print "break" y
print "no break" y
y = y + 1
print "x" x "y" y
This code will print the following output:
no break 0
no break 1
break 2
x 0 y 2
no break 0
no break 1
break 2
x 1 y 2
As you can see, the break
statement causes the loop to exit when the value of
is equal to 2. The next statement after the loop is then executed. Note how
only exits the innermost loop.
The following code shows how the return statement can be used to exit from a function:
func foo:string
if (rand1) < 0.7
return "bar"
return "baz"
This code will return the value of "bar"
70% of the time and
otherwise. The names
foo, bar, and baz are common
placeholder names used in code.
The typeof
function returns the concrete type of a value held by a variable
as a string. It returns a string that is the same as the type in an Evy program, such as
, "bool"
, "[]num"
, etc. It is particularly useful to determine the concrete
type of an any
variable together with type assertions.
Here is an example of how the typeof
function works
print (typeof "abc")
print (typeof true)
arr := ["abc" 1]
print (typeof arr)
print (typeof arr[0])
print (typeof arr[1])
The output of this code is
Empty composite literals, []
and {}
, can be assigned to
variables or parameters of any subtype, such as []string
. This is because empty composite literals are untyped, meaning that
they can be matched to any subtype.
func fn nums:[]num
print nums
fn []
The typeof
functions will return "[]"
for an empty composite literal.
An array literal, such as [1 2 3]
, has a type of []num
. However,
it is possible to assign an array literal of any type to a variable of type
. It is important to note that this only applies to array literals. A
variable of type []num
cannot be assigned to a variable of type
x := [1 2 3]
print "x" (typeof x)
y = [1 2 3]
print "y" (typeof y)
// y = x // parse error
// x = y // parse error
will output
x []num
y []any
#Type Assertion
A type assertion x.(TYPE)
asserts that the value of the variable
is of the given TYPE
can be any basic or
composite type, such as num
or []string
. If the assertion does
not hold, a run-time panic occurs.
x = [1 2 3 4]
num_array := x.([]num)
print "typeof x:" (typeof x)
print "typeof num_array" (typeof num_array)
x = "abc"
str := x.(string)
print "typeof x:" (typeof x)
print "typeof str:" (typeof str)
Will generate the output
typeof x: any
typeof num_array: []num
typeof x: any
typeof str: string
Only values of type any
can be type asserted. That means an array of type
any, []any
, cannot be type asserted to be an array of type
or any other concrete type. However, the elements of an array of type
can be type assert, for example arr[0].(num)
x = [1 2 3 true]
x = [1 2 3]
print "x:" x "typeof x:" (typeof x)
// print x.([]num) // parse error
// print x[0].(string) // run-time panic
x: [1 2 3] typeof x: []any
Assignability determines whether a value of one type can be assigned to a variable of another type. This means that the variable accepts the value. Assignability rules apply to:
- assignments
- function parameters
- return values
In the assignment target = val
, val
can be a variable, a
constant, or an expression. A constant is either a literal of type
, string
, or bool
, or it is a composite literal
that does not contain any variables. For example, [1 2 {}]
is a constant, but
[1 2 x]
is not. If val
in target = val
is an
expression that only contains constants, it is treated like a constant; otherwise, it is
treated like a variable.
#Assignability of variable values
If target
is of type t
and val
is a
variable of type t2
, target
are identical, ort
is of typeany
#Assignability of constant values
If target
is of type t
and val
is a
constant of type t2
, target
are identical, ort
is of typeany
, or-
is a composite with basic subtypeany
can be converted to it.
A constant of type t2
can be converted to type
if both types are composite types of the same structure and the final
subtype of t
is any
. This means, for instance, that the literal
array [1 2 3]
of type []num
can be assigned to a variable of
type []any
The following code:
arr = [{a:1} {b:[1 2 {}]} {}]
print (typeof arr)
print (typeof arr[0])
print (typeof arr[0].a)
will output:
#Assignability of empty composite literals
Empty composite literals []
, {}
, or nested emtpy composite
literals of them, such as [[]]
, follow the same rules as
inferred declarations: []
converted to type []any
, {}
gets converted to type
and [[]]
to type [][]any
#Run-time Panics and Recoverable Errors
Run-time panics are unrecoverable errors that can occur during the
execution of an Evy program. They can be caused by a variety of things, such as trying to
index an array out of bounds, accessing a map value for a key that does not exist, or a
failed type assertion. When a run-time panic occurs, the Evy program will stop and error
details will be printed. You can trigger a panic in your own code by calling the built-in
function panic "msg"
Recoverable errors are errors that can be handled by the Evy program.
They are typically caused by user input or external factors that the Evy program cannot
control. Functions that can cause recoverable errors set the global
variable to true
and the string variable
to a description of the error. The Evy program can then check the
value of err
and handle the error accordingly. You can trigger a recoverable
error in your own code by setting err
and errmsg
For more information on run-time panics and recoverable errors, see the built-in documentation on the panic function and the errors section.
#Execution Model and Event Handlers
Evy first executes all top-level code in the order it appears in the source code. If there is at least one event handler, Evy then enters an event loop. In the event loop, Evy waits for external events, such as a key press or a pointer down event. When an event occurs, Evy calls the corresponding event handler function if it has been implemented. The event handler function can optionally receive arguments, such as the key character or the pointer coordinates. Once the event handler function has finished, Evy returns to the event loop and waits for the next event.
Event handlers are declared using the on
keyword. Only predefined events can
be handled: key
, down
, up
, move
, and input
. The parameters to the event handlers must
match the expected signature. The parameters can be fully omitted or fully specified. If
only some parameters are needed, use the anonymous _
For more information on individual event handlers, see the built-in documentation.
Evy has two platforms: the terminal platform and the browser platform.
The browser platform can be tried at It fully supports all built-in functions and event handlers as described in the built-in documentation.
To use the terminal platform, first install Evy and then run
evy run FILE.evy
in the terminal. This will execute the source code in the given file. You can also use the evy command to format your source code with
evy fmt FILE.evy
For more details, run evy run --help
or evy fmt --help
. The
terminal platform does not support event handlers or graphics functions.